Additive for Diesel Fuel

General information:

Pachem-DCI is an additive  that increases the cetane number of  diesel fuel . Cetane number is one of the basic parameters of the diesel fuels that depends on their composition, it is rate of fuel' ability   to the auto-ignition determining the quality of the diesel fuel . Pachem-DCI is a clear and colorless liquid.

Typical Physical And Chemical Properties:

ParameterUnitValueTest method
Colour, at 20 0C  -  Colorless liquid PB-01 - edition 1
Density at 15 0C  kg/m3 960-970 PN-EN ISO 12185:2002
Pour Point  0C  <-50    PN-ISO 3016:2005
Flash point  0C  > 62 PN-EN ISO 2719:2007
Viscosity at 40 0C mm2/s  > 1 PN-EN ISO 3104:2004


Pachem-DCI is intended to improve the cetane number of  diesel fuels.

Treat Rate:

Typical dosage of Pachem-DCI is 800-1000 ppm weight. The treat rate should be adjusted to base fuel quality and to Clients’ expectations.


Pachem-DCI is available in 200 l barrels, in bulk or 1000-litre tanks (IBC). Other types of packaging are available on request.


Attention: Properties and data provided above are for information purposes only. Detailed properties of the product and guaranteed levels of efficiency are given to our clients in Technical Data Sheets.