
Additive for Diesel Fuels

General information:

Pachem-Emergency is a specially developed additive to emergency application at petrol stations, where was found a very poor properties of thermo-oxidative stability of B-7 and B-100 fuels. The deterioration of these properties often occurs as a result of contamination with trace amounts of the fuel (even less than 1 ppm) of some metals (e.g., copper), or the use of esters unprotected by any anti-oxidants as components of biofuels.
Pachem-Emergency contains very active composition of anti-oxidants and metal inhibitors, which restores biofuels appropriate level of stability by eliminating the need for the withdrawal of fuel from the petrol station and its disposal.

Typical Physical And Chemical Properties:

ParameterUnitValueTest method
Appearance at 20 0C  -  amber PB-01 - edition 1
Density at 15 0C  kg/m3  900-920 PN-EN ISO 12185:2002
Pour Point  0C  <-20 PN-ISO 3016:2005
Flash point  0C  >55 PN-EN ISO 2719:2007
Viscosity at 40 0C mm2/s   >1 PN-EN ISO 3104:2004


Pachem-Emergency is intended for Diesel fuels containing esters (blend B7) or pure bio-ester (B100), which in storage or sale conditions have lost their thermo-oxidative stability.

Treat Rate:

Typical dosage of Pachem-Emergency is 1000-5000 ppm weight depending on level of biofuel instability.


Pachem-Emergency is available in 10 and 20 l containers and 200 l barrels. Other types of packaging are available on request.


Attention: Properties and data provided above are for information purposes only. Detailed properties of the product and guaranteed levels of efficiency are given to our clients in Technical Data Sheets.